Sunday, April 29, 2012

First Birthday Gift and Poem for Little Girls

A baby girl’s first birthday is definitely a big deal. We all know that it doesn’t take much for a little baby girl to attract others attention. All it takes is a cute smile and her natural magnetism is able to attract and put a smile on the most serious individuals.

 This little doll was custom ordered for a little girl's first birthday.

Little Princess

A little princess,
from a far off place,
You light up the room,
with your little cute face.
It’s your first birthday,
a royal occasion,
Your smile attracts many,
it’s like an invasion.
Today is your day,
we’ve arrived to serve,
Hugs and kisses,
you always deserve.
As the princess of the
highest court,
To your playground,
we’re here to escort.
Little princess, we
wish you the best,
May your journey,
be joyful with zest.

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