PRIORITIES! PRIORITIES! Is keeping the roof over my children's head and food in their bellies not a priority? Is saving for my children's future not a priority? Being a working mom has always bothered me. I have always wanted to stay home with my children, but my husband is a teacher (we all know how little they get paid) so I need to work.
While other moms were talking about playdates, I was thinking about how I was going to clean house, do laundry, get groceries, cook dinner and spend time with my children. My priority is my family. I work to help my family. I sacrifice MY time for my children and my husband.
Below is a list from REDBOOK. I think I have heard everyone of these sentences in conversations through the years. My favorite is #10. "I wish I were as laid-back as you and could just let the housework go." My response, "Well, at least I know my PRIORITIES"!
10 Things Never to Say to a Working Mom
Mom bloggers sound off on the worst things to say to a career woman with kids.

1. It must be hard missing all those special moments every day.
2. I suppose it's smart that you're working. You know, in case your husband leaves you some day.
3. I'm surprised you went back to work. Your husband seems so successful.
4. It's cute when they call your nanny "Mama."
5. I just love my kids too much to leave them during the day.
6. Did you see Dateline? The one with the hidden camera in the day care?
7. I could never let someone else raise my children. But that's just me!
8. I hated my mom because she was never home after school like everyone else's mom.
9. You must feel so guilty.
10. I wish I were as laid-back as you and could just let the housework go.
- Liz Gumbinner of, with help from her blog readers
2. I suppose it's smart that you're working. You know, in case your husband leaves you some day.
3. I'm surprised you went back to work. Your husband seems so successful.
4. It's cute when they call your nanny "Mama."
5. I just love my kids too much to leave them during the day.
6. Did you see Dateline? The one with the hidden camera in the day care?
7. I could never let someone else raise my children. But that's just me!
8. I hated my mom because she was never home after school like everyone else's mom.
9. You must feel so guilty.
10. I wish I were as laid-back as you and could just let the housework go.
- Liz Gumbinner of, with help from her blog readers
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